Forum Discussion

TechRockED's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Formula calculation

Hi Everyone,

I need to perform a calculation in the storyline, which has the formula in it. 


User Input (a,b,c) and I have created the variables (E, F, G, H)

To Find:


and have to display





Is this something that can be done in Storyline or does it require javascript? 

Any help is much appreciated!



  • Dave-Ruckley's avatar
    Community Member

    You could do this if you break it up into a number of triggers. There may be a more slick way of doing this but just using storyline triggers this is probably the easiest way.

    divide b by c
    divide a by b (which is now different to what was entered)
    multiply a by 2
    Set E to value of a

    That's the first bit. Then you just need to calculate the others. You'll see that after each answer is set I multiply E again so that the next set of calculations can happen.

    Multiply E by 2
    Set F to that answer
    Divide E by 2

    Multiply E by 4
    Set G to that answer
    Divide E by 4

    Multiply E by 6
    Set H to that answer
    Divide E by 6

    I've attached a storyline file which should help make sense of this!