Forum Discussion

CharleneJansen-'s avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Reach360 - Certificate of Completion duration calculation

Good day,

I have been tasked with reconciling and putting a detailed document together on the following.

  1. Accuracy of the duration recorded on the Certificate of Completion (CoC) document.
  2. Correct the CoC document currently duplicating the Duration.

Point 1:

When I extract a status report per learner, it shows a duration of, for example, 05:27:32. (see image below).

When I extract and analyse the report, the total does add up. See the image below. However, one lesson has a status in progress, which has also been completed later.

Sub question: How do we get the 'in progress' to a completed status as it continuously restarts a new 'session'.

When I hover over the Download Certificate option (see image below), the duration is correct, but it also includes the incomplete lesson.

Sub-question: Why is the 'in progress time included?

But when downloading, it shows a different duration. See the image below. 

Question: why does the duration differ when downloaded?

Point 2:

On the COC, the Duration is recorded twice. Why and how can it be corrected?

Below are the settings on the COC settings.


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