Forum Discussion
Global scope for Javascript variables in Storyline
Ok, thank's.
For the context, I'm trying to find a way to load a 4 dimensions array of values, because I am asked to create a kind of quiz that gives scores in 11 different topics.
There are 3 series of questions, each composed of 5 questions, for which there are 4 answers possible, and each answers affects differently 11 scores, all together.
To help the person in charge of writing the questions and deciding wich answer gives how many points in wich score, I created a excel sheet that allows her to write down those points and check what score she gets when she selects what answers. She has to make many tries to precisely fine tune those points values.
In a classic Storyline approach, one would make 15 slides (3 * 5 questions), containg each 4 radio buttons, and therefore the number of triggers associated to them or to a "next" button in each slide would be 44 (4 answers * 11 values to change by answer), so that leads to 660 triggers (15 * 44).
There is no way I create and edit 660 different triggers extremely similar, the only difference betwwen them being an integer value.
So in the excel sheet I created a formula that writes all the values in a 4D js array syntax :
var myScores = [[[[ ........ ]]]];
organized as myScores[series][question][answer][points]
This js array is declared in my modified version of your GlobalScript.js file, in which I also added a simple return score fucntion :
function getScore(serie,question,answer,score) {
console.log("score calling : ser=" + serie+ " , q=" + question+ " , a=" + answer+ " , sco=" + score);
return myScores[serie][question][answer][score];
In Storyline, I set at the begining of each slide 2 variables (for declaring which serie number and question number are we playing), the answer number is set by 4 triggers associated to my radio buttons, and finally I use a javascript trigger on my next button that calls 11 times myGetScore function to set my 11 storyline score variables.
Doing so allows me to have exactly the same triggers in each slide, except for the starting one that declars which question of which serie are we in, but that I don't have to change whatever changes are made to the score matrix.
Each time my workmate will need to have a new version of the quiz with new point values, all I would have to do is edit the globalScript.js file in order to paste in it the result of the excel formula (lazy guy spotted, I agree), and republish after having re-set the webObjectURL value : 2 paste actions instead of 660 clic-edit is the kind of thing that makes my day :-D
Explaining all this and preparing my file in order to share it here lead me to better results : I do now see console messages from globalScript.js initialisation lines, but as soon as I call my getScore() function, nothing happens.