Forum Discussion

ElisaGugole-fa4's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Variables quiz

Ciao a tutti sto costruendo un quiz con 3 domande. Lo studente può scegliere 4 risposte. Non esiste una risposta giusta o sbagliata, ma a seconda della risposta l'utente deve visualizzare una diapositiva con una descrizione. Ho creato le variabili numeriche ma non riesco a farlo funzionare. Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento o link da consigliarmi?

  • Hello Elisa, 

    Happy to help!

    It would be super helpful if we could take a look at a copy of your project file so we can have a clearer idea of what you're trying to build. 

    Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!

  • Thanks, Joe I found a solution by browsing here among other projects, but now I need help for this project that I took as an example...I really like it and it's well done .  Can someone help me add a layer when the memory is completed? Thanks for the help

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Elisa, 

      If you would like a layer to appear when all squares in the slides have been "flipped", you can add something like this to your triggers: 

      In the screenshot, I added a layer called "Done" that will only appear when all squares have been changed to their "Flipped" states. 

      Try adding this trigger to your project and let me know if it does the trick!

  • Thanks Joe,

    I had tried this way but it doesn't work... I don't understand why

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Elisa, 

      I took a closer look at your file and saw some conflicting triggers that would prevent the solution that I shared from working. It appears that you have triggers setup that would initially set the rectangles in your slide to their 'Flipped' state before changing them immediately to their 'Disabled' state. 

      Additionally, you also have triggers in your 'Correct' and 'Incorrect' layers that change the states of the rectangles. 

      You can try using True/False variables for each of the 20 rectangles as a way to track if they have been flipped or not, but this will require you to create a True/False variable for each of the rectangles. Example: 

      I'd recommend testing to see which one of the solutions will work best for you, but ultimately, the main goal would be to add a way to track if all the Rectangles in the slide have been changed to their 'Flipped' state without any other triggers changing the states to something else. 

  • Thank you Joe,

    I changed the order of the triggers and used the true /false variables. Now it works! Thank you very much for your suggestions. I wouldn't have been able to do it alone.


  • So glad to hear my colleague Joe was able to assist you, Elisa!

    If any other questions or discoveries come up, feel free to reach out in the E-Learning Heroes Community! 

    Have a great start to your week, and happy authoring! ✨