Forum Discussion

MichaelFekete's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

glossary list in Rise

I use the interactive "accordion" block to create a glossary list  for Rise courses. I need the items to be alphabetized, but if I don't know all the terms beforehand, it is a pain to add new items later. (You can only append new items to the end of an accordion block, so to add a new item, you must edit and rebuild the entire list. This is especially painful when adding an item at the beginning of a glossary list [for example, a term beginning with the letter "a"].)

The ability to add an item anywhere in an accordion block would be a great help. Otherwise, can anyone suggest another way to provide a glossary list of terms in Rise?

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes, dragging a new item from the bottom of the list to where it needs to be alphabetically is not fun. 

    • MichaelFekete's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for responding. I didn't realize you could rearrange items by dragging. Not perfect, but this helps.
      Thanks again.

      Michael Fekete
      AAMVA Technical Writer

      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Michael!

        Glad to see Alyssa and Karl have been helping you!

        I just wanted to pop in and share that part of your e-mail signature came through when you replied via e-mail. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response.

  • Hi there, Michael! I came across an example where fellow community member, Gerry McAteer, creatively used a quote carousel block to create a glossary. Check it out here

    You can read more about it in Gerry's discussion post: A glossary to use in Rise

    I hope that sparks some ideas for you!

    • MichaelFekete's avatar
      Community Member

      These are great ideas-thanks!

      Michael Fekete
      AAMVA Technical Writer