Forum Discussion
Is Rise down now?
My entire team is getting the same error message.
Access denied. This request was blocked. Please email if you continue to receive this message.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for reaching out! Rise 360 was down briefly yesterday. It's back up and running normally now. We're really sorry for any difficulty this caused.
In the future, you can see and subscribe to real-time status updates here:
- AnthonyDaCostaMCommunity Member
I'm getting the same message
- KathleenClark-aCommunity Member
I am as well.
- AmyStOngeCommunity Member
Same here.
- KirstyTeareCommunity Member
Our whole team is down, Articulate have announced issues on Twitter
- KirstyTeareCommunity Member
Hi everyone,
Apologies for the trouble loading Rise 360. Our engineering team is aware of the issue and is currently looking for a fix. We'll update this post once everything is running smoothly again.
In the meantime, you may monitor our progress here. Thanks for your patience!
- AmyStOngeCommunity Member
Hello everyone,
Rise 360 is loading normally again, and you can now publish courses without issues. Our engineering team is closely monitoring the situation to make sure everything is running smoothly.
Please test this out and let us know if the issue recurs. Thank you!
- SarahPropernickCommunity Member
Our 360 was down yesterday (3/5), and came back this morning (10am EST 3/6). It appears to be down again (4pm EST 3/6).
Any update?
- StarlaWehrli-2bCommunity Member
I am getting error message 502 now