Forum Discussion

RobertHarris-f9's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Grey border around videos - I have discovered the cause

I am involved in a very large project that has thousands of videos in hundreds of Storyline lessons. For reasons I will not go into, we decided to accept the small decrease in video quality with videos that are scaled down. This was tested and everything was working fine. 

However a month or two ago the grey border began to appear around all the videos that are not scaled to 100%, and/or have dimensions that do not match the original video exactly. For example, a video that IS set to 100% in the "Size and Position" panel can have a dimension that is not actually 100%. Often, it is off by one or two pixels. 

The videos we are using have a white background, and Storyline has a white background. The new appearance of the grey border has cause major headaches.

Is this grey border intentional? Was it perhaps intended to be a way to indicate that the video is not set to 100% scale/exact dimension? Or is this a bug that is going to be resolved. Can you provide a method to resolve this without us having to re-export and update thousands of videos?

Re-exporting thousands of videos, and manually updating hundreds of project files will be costing us a mountain of money and time. 

I am posting this to see if anyone at Articulate, or in the community has a method that could resolve this issue. Also, to act as a resource for those that are searching in vain for an explanation. 

Thanks for you assistance

  • There is a slightly easier way to resolve the issue: add a rectangle with no fill and a white border over the videos. 

    Unfortunately, that still involves manually updating hundreds of project files. But copying, pasting, and resizing a rectangle over each video would still be quicker than re-exporting and updating all the videos.

  • Thanks Judy, this temp fix worked wonders for me, only needed it for 1 video so a great little idea.