Forum Discussion
hashed filenames in published output
- 3 months ago
if you are really precise, the filename is not a hash - it is independent of the content.
It is generated when the medium is imported - a GUID-4 is generated, e.g.
- "06a3dc93-48e9-4ac5-97d2-cec1cd3df540"
- the guid is then split into its 5 blocks
- the last two blocks are removed
- the first three are put together backwards
- the whole thing is now converted to base62
- at the end, an “R” is added in front and the appropriate file extension is added
- result: "R5wlhTmswUhH.png"
if you now parse “story/story.xml” in the .story file, you can find out the mapping between the original file name and the generated file name
- "06a3dc93-48e9-4ac5-97d2-cec1cd3df540"
this file, what you found was a ".xml.rel" file - this don't help you
- rename the .story to .zip
- extract the zip
- you need "./story/story.xml"
if you have a good xml editor, open story.xml
- download Notepad++ and install (or use the portable version)
- enable the XML Tools
open story/story.xml
- all important infos are in line 1 !!!
- beautify the xml
now you can see the infos for all imported media files, e.g.
g = "3181b10f-8857-43eb-bfe9-7d95d79938b4"
displayName = "png-32.png"
- storyline uses "g" (GUID-4) to generate the new filename
- "displayName" is the original filename
with the algorithm from above
- "3181b10f-8857-43eb-bfe9-7d95d79938b4" => "R5pXHZ6Y4dCB.png"
- "R5pXHZ6Y4dCB.png" => "png-32.png"
- Nathan_Hilliard3 months agoCommunity Member
Thanks Jürgen for the great insight.
As an interesting aside, after looking at the story.xml content I discovered that you can also directly access (at least read) the built-in storyline variables from JS by using the listed propPath values.
Never thought you could do that. You learn something new everyday.🙂
- AlexDuncan-b8f13 months agoCommunity Member
Jurgen - this works. Thanks for taking the time to provide a more in-depth explanation.
I'm amazed that someone (you?) went to the trouble to figure this out. It would never have crossed my mind to extract things by renaming the story file to a zip. This is amazing.
We're going to see about automating the process. Should be fun.
Thanks again!