Forum Discussion
HELP. Storyline 3 Zoom Region Dose Not Zoom In All the Way when set to Very Slow
I have a slide with 3 Zoom Regions and I'm having issues with the first Zoom Region to be triggered (I have the Region set to start 2 seconds into the slide and end at 9). While the first Zoom Region Transition Speed set to Very Slow the Region while only zoom-in halfway, complete other Triggers, and within the last second the Region will flash to the designated zoomed area then zoom-out halfway before transitioning to the Zoom Region.
Hello, Jeffrey! Thanks for reaching out.
Our team is investigating an issue where using the "very slow" setting results in an incomplete zoom, and it sounds that you ran into that bug. So sorry it's affecting your file.
As soon as we have a fix for this bug in place, we'll let you know about it! For now, the best workaround is to use the "slow" setting instead of "very slow".
- ClaudiaMedina-1Community Member
Hi Alyssa,
I am having issues as well with very slow in SL3, I would like to know whether the bug has been fixed. My problem is that zoom in works fine for the duration but it ends in a odd and abrupt way. I thought the transition from zoom in to zoom out is the problem, but I have not been able to find a solution to it. I attached the slide with the problem, not the whole course.
Thanks for any advice.
Hi Claudia,
Thanks for checking in. This issue is still open with our team for investigation, but we'll let you know here as soon as we have any additional details.
- ClaudiaMedina-1Community Member
Great! Thanks
- kimberlydanielsCommunity Member
I am also experiencing this issue. Any word on a resolution yet?
Hi Kimberly,
I do not have an update on this issue yet.
The workaround is to adjust the speed to 'Slow' in the meantime.
I wanted to share some information on how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.
This conversation is attached so that we can share any updates with you here.
- VinceScomaCommunity Member
Hi Everyone,
I have some good news to share!
We just released the newest version of Storyline 3 (Build 3.10.22406.0) this morning. This release includes a fix for zoom regions with a transition speed of "very slow" that didn't zoom in completely. You can find more details about this update here:
The next step is to update Storyline 3 by following the steps outlined in this guide here:
Please reach out if you have any questions! We are happy to help.
- TroyMayCommunity Member
Your zoom region feature NEEDS a specific timer setting so one may slow or speed the zoom effect as needed--unless I have missed something.
Hi Troy!
Zoom regions don't have a specific timer. Their default speed is "medium," but you can change that. You can even make them instantaneous.
To change the zoom speed, right-click the zoom area on your slide, scroll to Zoom Transition Speed, then choose a speed.
I like your idea of adding a specific timer as well. I'll share this with my team!