Forum Discussion

Paktolus's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Help with Drag and drop

My Storyline 360 file is attached.

Note: This activity is ungraded and doesn't have definitive right or wrong answers. It is structured as a carry-forward response activity, where each answer flows into the next question.

In Q1, the user selects three answers, and the Submit button becomes available with no issues.

However, in Q2, the user's three answers from Q1 appear, and they need to drag these answers to three drop targets to rank them. The issue arises here: to enable the Submit button, the user must drag all three answers, but it's currently restricted to a specific order (Most Important, Somewhat Important, Less Important). If the user deviates from this order, the Submit button remains disabled. I would like the Submit button to be enabled as long as all three answers are moved to the drop targets, regardless of the order in which they are placed.

  • Go into form view and add drop targets for all options and not just the first three.

    You cannot use the prebuilt drag over state because it will turn on and off when objects are dragged over so it will never consistently stay in that state.

    I'd add triggers to change the state of those objects when an object is dropped on it. And then evaluate those states to change the button. Or add drop correct and incorrect states to the draggable objects and use those states to create the trigger.

  • Paktolus's avatar
    Community Member

    Do I just randomly select a drop target for all of them? Any answer should go on any drop target.

  • yes, you can just select any target since you're not scoring them. But that will activate the target feedback.