Forum Discussion

VictoriaBailey-'s avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

How can I stop audio playing in Rise when a Storyline block is clicked?


I have a Storyline block in a Rise module that contains audio. Is it possible to stop an audio block in Rise playing when the user clicks on the play button to interact with the Storyline block? At the moment if I interact with the Storyline block whilst the audio block  is playing I can hear both sets of audio playing at the same time. 

If I click play on audio included in a labelled graphic then the audio of the lesson stops playing and just plays the new labelled graphic audio. I want this to do the same thing.

Is there a setting that I am missing or something else that I need to do to get this to work? 

Thank you :) 

  • Hello Victoria,

    One way to prevent your learners from playing a multimedia block and an embedded Storyline 360 block simultaneously is to add a 'Continue' block between the two, and then use the 'Complete Block Directly Above' setting so that your learners will first have to complete one block before going to the other. 

    Here's a sample course which demonstrates how the 'Continue' block can be used to make sure that one block is listened to completely before the other one can be accessed:

    You can also check out this article if you prefer to place the embedded Storyline 360 block first before your multimedia blocks.

    Hope this helps!

  • stevecicci's avatar
    Community Member

    Joe, this continues to be a problem that many users of RISE are sharing.  Is there a better solution/fix available? REASON: sometimes there is no requirement to force the learner to complete a block or embedded SL segment before continuing on with the RISE content. Therefore, having the audio STOP playing is a feature that must be incorporated. FOR EXAMPLE: why not introduce TRIGGERS to the CONTINUE button, so that on click ALL content/blocks have their audio stopped. 

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Steve,

      I'm happy to jump in! Adding a feature in the Rise 360 Continue button to stop all audio in a lesson when it is clicked is an excellent suggestion!

      It's not currently on our feature roadmap, but I'll be sure to update this discussion if our team decides to reroute.

      • AlexanderYoung-'s avatar
        Community Member

        Hello Eric.

        You are right - this would be an extremely useful feature. Can you please bring it forward in product development meetings.

        Thanks and best regards


  • I too have a similar problem. We are using a Storyline 360 Scorm with background playing accessed from an training app on a phone.
    If the user switches app and loses focus on the scorm file, the background continues.

    Eg if they need to make a call, the sound continues.

    Any suggestions?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Ian, 

      Happy to help!

      The behavior described in this thread is specific to Storyline 360 courses that have been embedded as blocks in a Rise 360 course. It sounds like you are accessing a course that was created entirely in Storyline 360. Can I ask if the behavior you're experiencing can be replicated when you access your course on a different hosting platform? Here are some alternatives that you can use for testing the behavior:

      When you access your course on a different platform, try switching apps on your mobile device to see if the background music still plays. If the music doesn't, we can isolate the behavior to the mobile app. If this is the case, please work with the support team of your training app so they can correct the behavior on their end.

      • IanBuxton-46cc5's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Joe

        I published the course in Review 360 (good idea btw) and experienced the same sort of problem that the app developers were getting when using the phone.

        I was in Review 360 and switched to a variety of different apps and the sound continued.

        These are the scenarios I asked them to try and this is their response

        We have tested the scenarios that you have mentioned, The Scorm file will be still playing with background sound
        1.when we start a new session

        2.when we dial/receive the call

        3.when we switched an alternate app with no sound

        4.played the video in other application like YouTube and other media players.

        Yes,you can explain these scenarios as a problem to articulate support.

        They suggested we need a trigger for to silence the background when the scorm has lost focus – but at the unit level


  • stevecicci's avatar
    Community Member

    Joe, Eric, -->  This problem is an ancient problem and a feature that is LONG overdue.  

    Yes, it does relate to SL360 content embedded into RISE, but the solution shouldn't be that difficult.  

    There was a time when the CONTINUE block DIDN'T have a 'lock'/'force complete' option.  That was added pretty quickly.  

    So riddle me this: why can't another trigger/clickable feature be added to that block that actually terminates the audio before moving to the next content block?