Forum Discussion
11 months agoCommunity Member
How do you get a button action to pause a second before action
I'm trying to get a half second pause before a button click action. For some reason I can't get it to work. I just want to show a quick change state before a new layer shows. Any trigger ideas for m...
11 months agoSuper Hero
Use these triggers:
1 Change state of object to CustomVisitedState when user clicks object
2 Move object (any object) on motion path Pause (set the time for the pause as the time of the path, and the beginning and ending points both to the same coordinates - or refer to an object that is offstage) when user clicks [button]
3 Show Layer [Next layer] when animation Pause completes
If you are using a built-in Visited state instead of a custom state be sure you do NOT use step 1. Duplicating built-in triggers can lead to strange, hard to find, and sometimes spectacular problems.