Forum Discussion
How to Embed 360 degree video from youtube into storyline 360
I am trying to embed 360 degree video from youtube into storyline 360 but was not able to get final output, I have tried all the ways in inserting video as a link, as a web object as a variable, Is there any one who tried this if yes, please share your ideas.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
Hm, I have done this before in SL2, see here a quick example. This should work in SL360 as well. Now that the Embed method works again, you should be able to either use a video's embed code or the video's URL to use in a web object.
- pravallikaGollaCommunity Member
I tried using the embed code and URL as well, but did not get the final output. Have you tried in SL360.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
I haven't tried in SL360, but I haven't heard about any issues with YouTube videos. Can you share the video url so that I can give it a try?
- pravallikaGollaCommunity Member
so when you tried in SL2 it worked perfectly did you get a chance in doing it in SL 360
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
See here a quick test with your video, running off my server. Does this work in your browser?
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
See attached the .story file. Are you testing this locally (on your harddrive)? If yes, then the video is likely blocked.
- pravallikaGollaCommunity Member
yes i am not able to open on my system its showing blocked content, So how did it work in the browser when you have sent me the link
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
You need to upload your content to some server (e.g. TempShare) and test it from there. The link I sent you works because the content is hosted on my server.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
It just occurred to me, since you use SL360, you can also publish the content for Articulate360, upload it and view it in Review.
- pravallikaGollaCommunity Member
I tried doing that using the below embed code but did not work out, (followed by video id)
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
As you can see on the second slide of my example, I used "" and it works for me. In the meantime, I also tested this in Review and it works there as well, see here.
- pravallikaGollaCommunity Member
Hi Michael,
I have tried inserting a 360 video inside story line 360 it worked on following option:
1. As a link by clicking on an image
2. As a Camtasia Studio
3. As a web object
But i am trying to include the same 360 degree video to play inside articulate 360, Is there any way you can help me with this issue and it would be great to discuss with you further on this issue.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
I'm not sure what you mean by "play inside articulate 360". You have already made it work in Storyline 360, are you trying to do the same in Rise? If you are still struggling to use an embed code in SL360, you can always share you .story file here and someone will have a look.
- pravallikaGollaCommunity Member
I am sorry if i am not clear in my previous request. My concern is when we publish a scene there will be a pop up window with options like
articulate 360
LMS .... etc, please find the attachment.
So when i select a web option to publish everything is going fine and smooth but when i select articulate 360 option to publish the content is not playing /not displaying the final result.