Forum Discussion

BillGates-37c19's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

anchor points on 360 degree image are tiny [see image]


Not sure what's going on here.

I've seen multiple videos covering the markers and also 360 degree images.

In the On Demand Training Videos the markers are clearly visible and around font size 16.  I think that's the default size. 

I know you can't resize markers.  Watched all the videos.  I know you can add a circle with a hover behind the anchor to make it appear larger.

That's not what I'm after. 

There's something wrong here.

The markers aren't suppose to be like font size 5 tiny

Also when I move the image around the markers just remain in place meaning whatever marker i anchored the point to in the image doesn't rotate along with the image.  They just sit there on top.  Am I suppose to group these?  Not sure what's going on here

Thanks  again

  • The markers you inserted are not the markers that are part of the 360 image feature set. Click on the edit 360 image button and then you'll be inside the feature and can insert the markers that are designed for 360 images. 

    Hope that helps.

  • HI Tom

    Got it!

    Thanks for pointing that out.  After seeing so many videos on this I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  

    Odd you're able to place markers outside of edit but ok i guess.

    Attached is an anchor with a tooltip which i can read.  the title and body area for text/image/video is a tiny square and I can't read the text.  It's too small. 

    How can I resize this 


  • There are two types of markers:

    • interactive markers that one can place on the slide
    • 360 image feature which has markers that are connected to the image available when editing the 360 image (which is handled differently because it has to accommodate the 360 movement)

    The marker's resizing is limited because of the way the feature is designed. The text in the label and tooltip can be selected and resized using the text editor on the top of the image you posted.