Forum Discussion

MaximeOra-ddf93's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

How to not count click on help layer as an attempt in a test mode exercice

Hi all,

I'm making a test mode exercice where the learner will have 3 attempts on each slide to find the correct clickable zone.

I add an instructions layer which is always accessible anytime to learners. My problem is that when I click on the button to display this instructions layer, my click is counted as an attempt which falsifies my counter.

Does anyone have a solution? Probably a variable to not count this click as an attempt but I don't know how to write it.

Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Hi, Maxime!

    I'm glad this worked for you! 

    If you want the info_button to still be available after the first attempt, you can change the layer properties for the Try Again layer, unchecking Hide other slide layers

    Windows 10 (1) 2021-07-02 at 10.36.04 AM

    Let me know if this works!

  • Hi, Maxime, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

    Thank you for sharing what you're trying to accomplish!

    I'm looking forward to what our talented community members will suggest for your specific scenario, but here's what I'd recommend:

    • Create a layer for your instructions button (we'll call it Info_button). 
    • On your base layer, add a trigger to show the Info_button layer when the timeline starts.

    Windows 10 (1) 2021-07-01 at 12.03.24 PM

    • On your Info_button layer, add a trigger to show the Information layer when the button is clicked.
    • For the layer properties, check the option to hide other slide layers in your Info_button layer, but uncheck it in your Information layer. 

    Windows 10 (1) 2021-07-01 at 12.06.31 PM


    Windows 10 (1) 2021-07-01 at 12.07.38 PM

    I am attaching a sample .story file. 

    Let me know if this works!

  • Hi Maria,

    Thank you for your quick response!
    I'll try what you suggest and come back to you asap to let you know if it's working!

  • Hi again Maria,

    Looks like it works perfectly fine, thank you for your help!

    However, I still have an issue, when I click on the wrong area, the 'Try Again' layer shows up but when I close it, the help button isn't displayed anymore. Do you have a fix for this too?

    Thanks again!