Forum Discussion

SoraiaSilva's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

import does not work

I want to import the translated XLIFF file into the correct Formation, it tells me that it is Import successful, but nothing happens. The formation is still in the original language.

What should I do?

  • Hi there, Nina! Thanks for attaching your XLIFF file for us to review!

    An XLIFF file should contain text in 2 languages:

    • The language you originally used when building the course (Source Language)
    • The language you translated the course to, i.e. French (Target Language)

    Having both languages tells Rise which text to replace when translating the text to French.

    In your file, I'm only seeing French text. What was the source language you used when you originally built this course?

  • Hi Soraia.

    Sorry to hear that the text in your course doesn't update with the new language when you import the XLIFF file. I can see that you've worked with Mick, one of our support engineers. It looks like the cause of the issue is that the target language column is empty. In an XLIFF file, the left column should contain the language to be translated, and the right column should contain the translated language. 

    Here is a sample screenshot of how it could look like:

    The screenshot above is from an XLIFF file for a course to be translated from English to Slovenian. I used Google Translate to populate the target language column. Please excuse me if it isn't translated correctly. 


  • Hi, I have the same problem and don't have a programme to open the xliff file. I exported the file and send it straight to a translating agency. Did the make the same mistake or is it something else? 

    Thanks in advance! Nina

  • Hi Alyssa, thank you so much for checking! The source language is German. I will get back to the translation agency about it and ask them to add the source language text.