Forum Discussion

Sheri_Matt's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Import Engage in Storyline

I have not used Engage in years and thought I would play around with it.  I went to import to Storyline but there isn't an option for Engage.  I see PowerPoint, Quizmaker, Storyline, and Questions.  No Engage.   Is Engage still a thing?  I was thinking of using it as something different for a quick micro course.  But I am not sure how to get it to learners.

  • Hi Sheri!

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble importing Engage content into Storyline!

    Yes, Engage 360 is still available to Articulate 360 subscribers. The option to import from Engage 360 is present on my end.

    Can you confirm that you are working locally, and also try performing a repair of your Storyline installation? If the Engage option is still absent after those steps, please connect with our team through a support case.

    They'd be happy to continue troubleshooting!