Forum Discussion

sebastjanf's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Import powerpoint - object positions are shifted

hello all,

I am importing (designed and finished) PPT presentations into SL360.

I noticed that object positions are shifted downwards (see screenshot from Powerpoint and same situation in SL). Any idea why this happens and how to solve this? All other objects (text, images) seems to stay in correct position - only this shapes dont.



  • sebastjanf's avatar
    Community Member

    ok - so PPT import doenst import basic fonts spacings, doesnt import object effects, doesnt import ....

    Actually - the numbers in SL Paragraphs section are the same as in Powerpoint paragraphs sections - so actually it does import (at least the number) but doesnt work/show

    so basically PPT import works "halfway"? oh wait 20%?


  • The import is not 1:1 and there will be differences. I rarely import PPT as it creates to much work, much easier to rebuild in storyline