Make states' position relative to original slide
Please change this, or at least make it an option. It is difficult to line things up to the pixel when I cannot simply type in the position to match that of an object on the slide. What should be easy can be next to impossible.
Example: I currently have a slide with ten icons in black. I want different icons to change color based on where the user is hovering. This should be easy: make a new state, have the recolored icons in the same position as their corresponding black icons. However, I can't just type in the same position as the originals, so I have to try to line it up. Of course, they look great in the editing window, but when I go to preview, they've jumped off by one or two pixels, and then I publish it and they're in yet a slightly different position. Please allow us to just type in the same x and y coordinates that I had on our original slide. Maybe it's me, but I have not yet found a use for the position being relative to the state object instead.