Forum Discussion

RachelHedgepeth's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Make states' position relative to original slide

Please change this, or at least make it an option. It is difficult to line things up to the pixel when I cannot simply type in the position to match that of an object on the slide. What should be easy can be next to impossible.


Example: I currently have a slide with ten icons in black. I want different icons to change color based on where the user is hovering. This should be easy: make a new state, have the recolored icons in the same position as their corresponding black icons. However, I can't just type in the same position as the originals, so I have to try to line it up. Of course, they look great in the editing window, but when I go to preview, they've jumped off by one or two pixels, and then I publish it and they're in yet a slightly different position. Please allow us to just type in the same x and y coordinates that I had on our original slide. Maybe it's me, but I have not yet found a use for the position being relative to the state object instead.

  • Hello Rachel,

    Happy to investigate this behavior for you!

    It's unusual for objects to move a few pixels after a course is published so I'd like to test if the behavior you're experiencing is a possible bug. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or privately by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

  • Have you tried “Change state of Object 1 to State 2 when user hovers over Object 5”?

  • Hi Walt,

    Yes, I have done this and it has been an effective workaround in this particular situation, but I'd definitely still love to see this feature added to future updates. There are applications in almost every project I work on.

  • My work around for this is to place and position the elements (your icons) on the slide, and then cut + paste into the required state.

    • RachelHedgepeth's avatar
      Community Member

      That's really interesting to me, because for me, pasting does not place items in the identical position and never has.