Forum Discussion
Importing vector graphics
Storyline works with vector graphics (shapes, cartoon characters, etc.) but I can't figure out a way to import them. I can insert an eps file in PowerPoint and import into Storyline, but the vector is converted to a raster. Can it be done somehow?
- GerryWasilukCommunity Member
Try this. insert your EPS into PowerPoint.
Right-click on it and choose "Save as picture."
Save it out as a EMF file (Enhanced Windows Metafile).
Import the EMF into Storyline.
- JohnBlackCommunity Member
I used Flash, saved it as a swf, and imported into Storyline. That also converted it from a vector to a raster.
- JohnBlackCommunity Member
Good suggestion, Gary!
Unfortunately, Storyline converted it to a raster graphic as well.
- GerryWasilukCommunity Member
Bring it in as a local web object?
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
All vectors come in as images unfortunately, you can add a feature request. One of my hopes is that they add addtional editing features to objects such as combine shapes etc and make it an accomplished vector editor.
At the moment, the only vectors are the objects and characters
- KevinThornSuper Hero
Hey Johh (and others)
Try this character. (attached) It's a WMF file. You can resize it to any size and crop it using the crop tool like an image. The character retains its vector clarity no matter what size and won't get *fuzzy*
Just import it like you would any picture/image.
Still finishing up a few tweaks on an entire library (over 110 characters, poses, props, and backgrounds) of this style. A bit behind but hope to have them ready by next month.
Basically, WMF files are vector files. Although you can't edit them in Storyline you can retain their quality. If you have existing .EPS or .AI artwork, simply export them as a WMF or EMF file and then import it into Storyline for the same results.
- JohnBlackCommunity Member
Thanks for your help. Your wmf works fine. However, I opened an eps vector graphic in Illustrator CS5, exported it as a wmf, and inserted it as a Picture in Storyline. It converted it to a raster, as before. I wonder what I'm doing differently that causes it to fail. I attached the files for you to evaluate. (BTW, I'd already tried a emf and it didn't work either.)
- JohnBlackCommunity Member
- KevinThornSuper Hero
Hey John,
I converted your Camel.eps to both .WMF and .EMF formats. While they both work fine, the .WMF format works better in Storyline when enlarging it to max scale. I took it up to 2000 x 2150 and didn't lose any of the line quality.
Attached are two files. One with the background as your EPS file, and one with just the Camel. This forum only allows one attachment per post. Here's the one with the background...
- KevinThornSuper Hero