Forum Discussion
Thanks for the reply Lauren,
What I would really like to see is, 3 (instead of 2) navigation buttons:
BACK (takes you to the slide you just came from, wherever it sits)
PREV (takes you to slide that sits just before this one)
NEXT (takes you to slide that sits just after this one).
(Having been a programmer for many years, variables and triggers are just fine for me. But I meet lots of others that shy away from them. The current built-in functionality allows going to the "Next" slide without any effort, as most of this is automatically done for the developer).
As it's been working for 8 years, "Next" takes you to the next slide, but "Prev" takes you back to where you came from (which may be before or after this slide). So, there's an easy way to go next, and an easy way to jump back. But there is no easy way to go to the slide that is previous (in sequence) to the current slide: there is no actual "previous."
SO, my first request was:
Keep NEXT as it is now. (If I'm on 7, go to 8.)
Add BACK to go back --which PREV now does. (If I got to 7, by a link on 2, go back to 2.)
Fix PREV to go to the slide previous to this one. (If I'm on 7, go to 6, no matter how I got to 7.)