Forum Discussion

SethMerriam-55b's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Keyboard Shortcuts, Accessibility, and reliable use of Shift-plus-? (which I cannot type for some reason?)


I have been having trouble lately with using "Shift+?" to call up the keystrokes/shortcut screen. It does not seem to be functioning consistently. 

I have tried various browsers, in various operating systems, and even within an emulator and on a "real" (windows) machine. 

I fear that some browsers now have "shift+?" set to do other things? Anyone else seen this behaviour and/or have suggestions on how to circumvent it not working? I have taken to specifically mentioning the key combination (shift+?) as a means of getting to controls, and am worried that this is no longer a practical solution.

  • Hi Seth,

    Happy to help!

    I found that the "Shift+?" keyboard shortcut worked consistently for me as long as the active focus of the browser was on the course. It didn't work when the focus was elsewhere. I tested the behavior using the most recent versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. 

    If you've tried clicking or tabbing to the slide area before pressing the "Shift+?" and it still didn't work for you, would you mind making a Peek 360 recording of the behavior you're seeing so we can take a closer look at what's happening?