Forum Discussion

PeterThomas-4a3's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

latest update Move the AI Text button on Item property please that's offensive to put it there !

😁 I use Articulate every day and in the latest update you moved or replaced the my most used button "Format Shape" and replaced it with AI text sorry at the very bottom of the menu I find that Offensive,. I have clicked 4 times already by mistake OK your pushing AI and want to make money, but at the cost of productivity 😬


I'm saying this with a smile 😉 so not really emotional, but really that AI Text is in the wrong place please move it, better still give an option to turn OFF all AI options OFF I can not use them in my project due to IP issues. and I do not want the AI buttons in my way as I work in Articulate everyday. 


  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm seconding the request, it should really be an OPT IN, not an OPT OUT. I'm not subscribed, it's for a good reason, and annoying me with buttons I do not use (or in Peter's case, significantly alter the user interface) is not how you are going to get converts. It is how you WILL turn people off to both AI and Storyline in general.

  • I'm definitely backing this sentiment.  The AI interface controls should not even show up unless I have subscribed to this feature. They are cluttering the interface. There should be a setting in the File > Storyline Options  dialogue box where I am able to choose to subscribe and enable these features or not subscribe and therefore not see them.  This should be a user choice Articulate!