Forum Discussion

johnhusband1's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Layers Navigation

I have been asked to review an Artuculate  course that incorporates  a number of layers.  The problem is as the player goes through the layers it does not let me stop the progress when on a layer.  If I use the start stop button on the player it just takes me back to the start of that slide.  Is there a setting I can get he developer to set to give me more control of how I navigate through layers. 

  • Hi John!

    If I am understanding your question correctly, then yes, you can have more control over the layer navigation using the layer properties. In the layer, click on the gear icon on the bottom right side of the layers panel, and there is a setting called Allow Seeking. Switching this to "Yes" will tie the play/pause button to the layer and you can then play and pause each layer as you would the base layer of the slide.

  • Ange's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi John, Also ask the developer check that the Player properties are set to:  allow seeking and free navigation.