Forum Discussion

ShelbyRaynor-c8's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Mighty Extension

Has anyone used the new Mighty Rise chrome extension made by Maestro?

I understand it is not affiliated with Articulate. We are looking into to testing it as some of the features (font control, custom transitions, reflection questions) would be major enhancements. We are looking for feedback on using the tool and how it publishes out into LMS files. 

  • I stumbled across the Mighty extension when looking for some settings in RISE.  I too was curious what if I try it and have it in some of my courses but then no longer use it, do the items I added in my courses stop functioning.

    @Staff: Has anyone from Articulate looked at what Mighty offers and reviewing perhaps what they should be offering their clients on their roadmap.  Love the reflections, right now I do a lot of copying of JavaScript to get a reflection note to appear and print.

  • Hey Shelby! I'm from the Mighty team and happy to connect you with others from our community.  Also, if you would like to learn more about it from our team we would be happy to chat! 

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    I haven't used it but it appears you need to keep the plugin updated to avoid your course crashing per this other thread. Before using it for anything critical I would recommend getting buy-in from your entire team and make sure everyone understands the risks. You're voiding your warranty with Rise, in other words.

  • Chrome is really good about auto-updating your Extensions. Usually it's a 4 hour delay but in that threads case, Chrome needed her to just close so it could finish its update. Easy-peasy.

    As far as the warranty, the extension is doing very similar stuff that you recommend, just without requiring people to code! Pretty cool. Would love to chat more if you interested in learning how it works!

    • PhilFoss's avatar
      Community Member

      I've never caused a course to crash, yet. Fingers crossed 😁

  • For Mighty, if you have it in your course and then no longer use it, you can just uninstall the extension and then all the Mighty functionality will just go away. Your Rise course will work just as expected! Intentionally, it shouldn't interfere with your current workflow in Rise. If you are just going on pause, that Mighty functionality will just be in read-only until your ready to start it back up! Happy to answer an more questions regarding Mighty at

  • I used it and liked it, but my company didn't purchase it. I have learned workarounds for most of what Mighty does but it sure is a nice timesaver and it offers some great features I haven't figured out how to do without it yet.