Forum Discussion

BrianDaigle's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Module not completing

I have a module in Rise that was created a few years ago and worked fine. A couple weeks ago, I reviewed it and made a couple very minor changes to it. Now, after going through the whole course (and getting checkmarks for all the lessons in the navigation) it still only says the course is 94% complete when you get to the end, which means it isn't being marked complete in our LMS. I've never experienced this problem before. Any idea how this could happen?

  • I am getting the same issue too, but not consistently. I have a course with several lessons, all are marked complete, but the course still says 94% Complete. I am thinking that it may have to do with the learner not scrolling far enough on the last lesson? Still testing...

  • We are having the same issue with recently published Rise courses. Users have viewed all pages, but their status isn't marked complete. I can log in as the user, scroll up, then view the last lesson again and their status finally switches to complete. I have to assume this is an error in Rise, because none of our other courses in the same format have this issue, only the most recently published Rise courses.

    • BrianDaigle's avatar
      Community Member

      Yeah, I don't think it's consistent for us either. It first showed up from user feedback, and I logged in as them and scrolled through the whole module again and it switched to complete about halfway through. I was going to chalk it up as a one-time fluke, but then I went back to the module in Rise and previewed it and the same thing happened, only no matter how many times I scrolled through the content and clicked the interactions it never got past 94% complete. I tried again just now and it didn't happen, so I don't know what's going on. All I know is I'm confident our LMS isn't causing the problem because I was able to replicate the problem in Rise preview mode.

  • I think it is a Rise issue. We have reproduced this in the SuccessFactors LMS and on SCORMCloud.

    We have users reporting the issue on :
    Chrome - Mac and PC
    Safari - Mobile and Desktop
    Edge - PC
    The SuccessFactors Mobile app - on Apple devices

  • We republished the offending course late Friday and reports of the non-completion issue have dropped to almost nothing. Maybe the folks at Articulate found the bug and quietly fixed it?

    • BrianDaigle's avatar
      Community Member

      Fingers crossed. I republished it yesterday after it was working in Rise, hoping that whatever caused the issue has been resolved. Glad to know it's not just me though.

  • I had opened a ticket with Articulate and part of their response highlights an issue - and explain why some people could complete the course and others could not:

    "A recent fix was released related to course completion in Rise 360. It addressed an issue where the course wouldn't complete properly after a quiz was retried. Does your course include a quiz that learners are required to pass? If so, this fix may have resolved the issue your learners encountered."

    • BrianDaigle's avatar
      Community Member

      @Chris May, thanks for the follow-up. Always more satisfying to hear when a problem has been identified and resolved rather than just forever hoping it doesn't happen again.