Forum Discussion

GrahamSandersfi's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Moodle LMS Scorm styling problem

I am having a problem with Moodle LMS (using a Lambda theme).  The problems with SCORM styling on a Rise 360 Scorm download. I am sure it is a theme issue as I have changed the course theme in the LMS and the problem goes away.

There is an extra scroll bar to the right and the padding/margins right and left are too large and unnecessary. I have tried various custom CSS solutions but cannot overcome what appear to be inherited settings. I would like to remove the spaces marked in yellow and the scrollbar to the right.

At the end of my capabilities and not a CSS/JS developer in any way.

Any help is hugely appreciated - Thanks!

  • Have you tried having the SCORM file open in a new window or pop-up? That may remove that for you.

  • Thanks Michelle - the attached screenshot was the view from the pop-up using the 'new window' setting - if I use 'current window' setting then it comes with all of the Moodle menus etc which I am trying to avoid.

  • Hi there, Graham! I did some digging in our older discussion threads, and I found one that might help you.

    The solution Alex shared here does involve some adjustment in the Moodle CSS, but hopefully his instructions will guide you through the process.