Forum Discussion
Move Start Course button?
In Rise, is it possible to move the Start Course button to immediately below the introductory course text? I'm certain learners are starting the course before reading this important course info.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
The Start Course button cannot be moved to a different location.
Hi Susan,
Could you remove the introductory text from the main menu page, add a new lesson to the beginning of your course called "Introduction," and put the text in the Introduction lesson? That way, you can be sure the learner sees the content before moving on to the next lesson.
- SusanDemers-167Community Member
Alyssa, Thanks for that idea; that's what I'll do. I had hoped to put the course instructions on the opening page and the introduction to the content in the first lesson. I'd still like to have a way to move the Start button to under the course instructional text!
- NicoleTalley-b8Community Member
Thanks Susan for asking this question. I have also been asked to move the Start Button to the bottom of the Introductory page. I will need to inform my customer's that I will not be able to move the button. I am hoping that in the future we can put the Start Button after the intro to the course. I also believe they are clicking the Start Course without reading all of the information.
- BrunaHeinsfeldCommunity Member
That's what always happens with me and my customers. It would be amazing if we could just add the start button after the intro!
I have tried Alyssa's suggestion and, althought it works, the banner can't be moved, so I ended up with a brown banner at the top and a white blank page. :(
Thanks for sharing your needs, folks! We'll track this request, and I'll let you know here if we make any changes that will help.
- LadaVedlinCommunity Member
Hello, any progress on this front? I too am looking to move the Start Course button and can't figure it out.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Lada,
The new THEME tab provides several different layouts for the Cover Page.
Depending on which cover page option you choose, the Start button is displayed in different locations.
- AdrianPearson-1Community Member
Nothing seems to have been done on this and it was years ago. Yes there are work arounds but it would make it easier if you can add the start button after the intro. Thanks
- JimMesserCommunity Member
I would also love that- it's a great place to put Learning Objectives, but they'll never get read if there is a path of least resistance.
- CarmenBloom-417Community Member
This is a very critical item to correct. Having the Start Course button at the top of the page is counter intuitive. We need the flexibility to move it below the introductory text/content.
- AvivahWittenberCommunity Member
Can I add my voice to this please? I understand the suggested work around, but this is a bit clunky when the intro page is there and the ideal place to put course instructions
- SheriBrowningCommunity Member
I would actually love to see the start course button totally removed. I would like to use these for "job aids" not necessarily courses. The course is in storyline 360. It would be great if there were just some configuration options on that first landing page so this tool is more versatile.
- ConcettaPhillipCommunity Member
Sheri, change the label to the start course button to all spaces and it disappears. So we change our little instruction section to say go down and select an option to start and it works pretty well. The details button we haven't figured out how to get rid of but if they click that, it goes down to the area where we have them selecting the options anyway.
- RosannedeVoogd-Community Member
Amazing, Concetta, thank you for this tip!
- AvivahWittenberCommunity Member
Thanks Concetta, that works brilliantly!