Forum Discussion

RebeccaBessman's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Multiple Assessments from single source.

Hi there,

I have a need to have one large assessment bank that generates several versions of an assessment. Scenes are individual buckets but I need those buckets in multiple assessments. Hopefully that makes sense and realllly hoping that someone has some next level experience with assessments in Storyline! :)

Thanks for your time,


  • Hi, Rebecca, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

    Scenes are individual buckets but I need those buckets in multiple assessments.

    I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean. You can have a large question bank and randomly draw from the bank throughout your project. 

    Take a look below for information on Question banks:

    If this is not what you're asking about, do you have a sample file you can share?