Forum Discussion

NicholasDamewoo's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Multiple Choice Grading

I work for a European company that wants to grade a test in a specific way.

In a nutshell, every question is multiple choice / multiple answer. We want to basically know the total points correct (per question) and the total points wrong (each question). So in essence, each question can be worth between 2-5 points (1 per correct answer), but choosing a wrong answer subtracts from the earned points, down to a minimum of zero per question. It is a technical test that they want to punish "guessing" and rewarding knowledge. (Since the job itself gets dangerous and expensive when people "guess" at their job)

Then at the end, we do the standard; points divided by total points for a percentage. Then we do more metrics by breaking the questions down into groups, so we can know which group they are strong in and which group they are weak in.

The question: Can I kludge together a grading system in Storyline that accomplishes this? None of the basic grading options cover this.

  • mrsmcd's avatar
    Community Member

    Were you ever able to figure out a solution? There are lots of scenarios where this type of grading/scoring would be helpful.