Forum Discussion

KimWatts-df5b89's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Multiple choice question results

Hi all,

I'm very new to Storyline so sorry if this is an easy fix...

I have a multiple choice quiz with answers for each question being a, b and c each scoring as follows: 

Scoring: a – 2 points, b – 1 point, c – 0 points

I would like the results page to show how many points have been scored based on answers but I don't know how I do this... can anyone help?

For example I'd like the results page to say: 'you selected mostly a's....' 'or your scored 18'

Many thanks,




  • Hi Kim,

    The default graded results slide already shows points scored in addition to scored percent. The built-in variable Results.ScorePoints holds that information.

    Variables in Storyline can be added to text boxes with the percent signs on either side of them, as shown in the standard results slide above. 

    If you are creating your own text for the results slide, you could just add a text box that says "You scored %Results.ScorePoints% on this quiz."



    • KimWatts-df5b89's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I'll try that now :-) 

  • Hi David,

    I tried your suggestion above and the results populated perfectly. However something has changed but I can't work out what I have done wrong as they no longer work. I have extracted the slides for this activity and attached here. If you have time to take a look for me I will be very grateful. Selecting all 'a' in the quiz should show this results slide....

  • Hi Kim,

    I am not clear what's happening, but there seems to be some sort of bug in your file. I can't get the results slide to display. Is this what's happening to you? It just displays the moving dots and never gets to the results screen. I can't even preview the results slide by itself.

    I tried adding a new results slide, and the same thing happened. Wish I could do more to help, but I think you might be best to open a support ticket with Articulate. 

    Your results slide looks fine, and the variable is right. Wish it was all working. I don't think it's anything you've done.

  • Oh thank you so much for replying, I've been going round and round in circles trying to work it out! Yes that's exactly what's happening to me. I'll open a ticket thanks again so much I really appreciate it! 

  • Miiro's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi, I have the same problem, but I can't use the "Results.ScorePoints" variable, because Storyline tells me it "doesn't exist in this project". I tried starting a new project, and the variable still didn't exist. Can someone explain?

  • I see in the file that you do have Quiz1.ScorePoints, and it looks like it is working as one would expect the Results.ScorePoints variable to work.

  • Thanks for jumping in, David.  I'm so used to the original "Results.__" variable names that I'd forgotten they switched to "Quiz1.___" as the default, with the option to rename it in the Quiz Settings. 

    So, Projects Miiro, as David said, the variable name in your project is "Quiz1.ScorePoints." It will work the same as the "Results.ScorePoints" variable used to.

  • Miiro's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for clarifying. The problem is that each slide has many questions (true or false), and I would want the percentage on the result slide to be based on each question instead of the overall slide. Right now, the percentage can only be 0% (none of the overall slide answers are right), 50% (one of the overall slide is right) or 100% (both overall slides are right). Is there a way to do that with "Quiz1.ScorePoints" ?