Need Conditional Continue After Button - RISE
Please give us the ability to set a working conditional continue after a URL button in RISE. (Please note, I am also submitting this as a Feature Request. I just like posting here as well to allow others to see the workaround.)
Image 1: Conditional Continue Button set in edit mode of RISE Course.
Image 2: Continue Button shows available without pressing button in preview mode of RISE Course.
I have a custom workaround (that is NOT ideal), using a custom Storyline Block (See below). My custom SL block includes a button with two triggers: one to launch the URL, and the other to mark the SL course as complete. This is simple enough, but this level of customization should NOT be a requirement when RISE is otherwise a powerful tool.
Image 3: Custom SL block created. Conditional Continue Button set in edit mode of RISE Course.
Image 4: Custom SL block created. Conditional Continue Button works as intended in preview mode of RISE Course.