Forum Discussion

JohnnaHodges-04's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Need help with Motion Path Tool for race car animation

Hi everyone,

I could use some assistance with the Motion Path tool. I’ve set up a slide with an image of a race car, and I want the image to stop at multiple points along the way. Because of the curve of the track, I assumed that I would need to use the same image but from a different angle when the car is taking the curve.

However, my main issue is that I can't figure out how to make the car stop at my different queue points. Currently, I’ve added the image to each queue point and created a single motion path between each point. Ideally, I’d like to have one image with multiple motion paths so that the car can stop and continue along the path.

Is this doable? Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated! My example is attached.

Thanks in advance!



  • Hi Johnna!

    Thank you for sharing your .story file!

    Storyline 360 allows you to change the orientation of an object as it travels along a non-linear motion path so it's always facing the direction it's moving. Also, after testing your slide, your design functions well as it is. However, if you would like to explore working with a single Motion Path, perhaps using relative start points would fit your needs.

    I'll open the floor to our community who may be able to provide additional design suggestions as well!