Forum Discussion
Need Help Writing a Trigger Statement
When learner clicks "Time to show Results"
Set Highest to 0
Set HighestScore to blank
Set Equal to 0
set HighestScore to "A"
set Highest to A
Set Equal to "C"
if C = HighestScore
Set Highest to "C"
if C > HighestScore
Set HighestScore to C
if C > HighestScore
Set Equal to "E"
if E = HighestScore
Set Highest to "E"
if E > HighestScore
Set HighestScore toE
if E > HighestScore
Set Equal to "N"
if N = HighestScore
Set Highest to "N"
if N > HighestScore
Set HighestScore to N
if N > HighestScore
Set Equal to "O"
if O = HighestScore
Set Highest to "O"
if O > HighestScore
Set HighestScore to O
if O > HighestScore
Here you are expected to show mutually exclusive explanations. For example a layer that closes other layers. If you need the actual value of the high score, use HighestScore
Show A explanation
if Highest = "A"
Show C explanation
if Highest= "C"
Show E explanation
if Highest= "E"
Show N explanation
if Highest= "N"
Show O explanation
if Highest= "O"
Show equal explanation
if Equal = Highest
This should work if you correct any typos.