Forum Discussion
New in Rise 360: 1,000+ Templates With Real and Placeholder Content
I absolutely LOVE the new content from Articulate!
I have built a new stream of 'generic' content in what we are calling the EDGE series. For each topic (we have done three so far), I have used each lesson as a stand alone module (all we have done is write learning objectives and an introduction). In our LMS, learners can access the modules individually, or all topics in a series as a Learning Plan. Here's what we've done so far:
- EDGE Integrity Series - 4 modules
- EDGE Writing Series - 7 modules
- EDGE Phone Series - 3 modules
The modules have been well received, and we plan to offer more. My favourite is the Integrity series as the content is FRESH and not easily found elsewhere.
In addition, I am developing a new Prospecting module to introduce new sales people to our sales philosophy and process. As a result, I have included a lesson on each of the following topics using content cherry-picked from the Articulate sales content:
- Qualifying: Fundamentals
- Preparing for Presentations: Fundamentals
- Overcoming Objections: Fundamentals
- Closing: Fundamentals
This has enabled me to supplement company-specific content with industry-standard fundamentals. I've positioned the content as an 'optional refresher' that may come in handy when learning about how we do things (so that external new hires with ample sales experience don't feel we are talking down to them). I am looking forward to piloting this module soon.
I am always watching for more of this content from Articulate. It is truly EXCELLENT!