Forum Discussion
New in Storyline 360: 64-bit App
- 8 months ago
Hi, everyone. We appreciate all your valuable feedback on 64-bit Storyline 360!
As of May 2024, this app is no longer in beta. You can still share your experience in this discussion or the feature request form.
Hi, I have completed a large project in storyline x64, when i play it back the voiceover gliches and misses words. This occurs in review 360 and web. Any advice? thanks Malcolm
Hi Malcolm!
Sorry to hear you've hit this snag with voiceover playback from your Storyline course!
I see that you've already opened a support case and shared your .story file privately. Smart move! It looks like you connected with my colleague Lianne who is performing some tests with your file.
We can continue troubleshooting through your case to help keep all information in one spot.