Forum Discussion

LonGoldstein-52's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

non-responsive review comments

I have taken over a project with multiple Rise courses. They have all been transferred to me, so I am the owner. There are a lot of review comments. It seems clear that review comments in Rise are linked at the module level (or is it sub-section level), instead of to a specific block, so it is already difficult to find what block a comment is referring to.

But in addition, these comments are not clickable by me. I cannot comment on them. They are grouped in large bunches, and there is just one "resolve" radio button at the very top. This all makes the feedback comments extremely difficult to work with.

Is this simple an "undocumented feature" of Rise, or is something malfunctioning?

The only solution it seems at this point is to copy all of the comments out into spreadsheet for tracking.

  • Hello Lon,

    Thanks for reaching out! I see you've also opened a support case with us, and you're working with my colleague, Darwin. He added your voice to the feature request to allow authors to link to the specific part of the block when clicking the comment.

    Please feel free to respond to Darwin's email if you have any questions about this feature request.