Forum Discussion

TeresaVanderpos's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

NVDA and RISE move from TOC to topic and...

Hi there,

I am learning it is challenging to test using NVDA when you don't have the special keyboard or you are really unfamiliar with its use.

For the most part I seem to be able to bounce around, and noticed when my mouse hovers over a section it starts talking (i don't recall this before),

What I am struggling with is the initial start.  I launch the course listen to the intro, press start, tab down to my first topic lesson objectives, I thought I would right arrow over to the content and then work through, but I can't seem to get over there, if I hover my mouse over there then select the down arrow it seems to move me through.

Any tips.

Also moving from a storyline block to a timeline block and getting the timeline block to start with the text and not the zoom in on image...

Tips would be great, I have googled lots but nothing that has helped me.




P.S. found the edit button (cog wheel far right, not close enough to my article LOL!

  • Wanted to add to my post, can't find an edit button anywhere.  

    One thing I wanted to add is I now get it to go from Storyline block to Timeline, but in first timeline it acknowledges the image but when I move down it goes to the second timeline and never reads the first.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi TeresaVanderpos!

      Sorry to hear you're having trouble navigating a Rise course with the NVDA screen reader!

      I created a sample Rise lesson containing a Storyline Block that preceded a Timeline Block. Using NVDA, I began the course by using the TAB key to focus on the lesson from the sidebar menu. Then, I clicked the ENTER key to move focus to the Blocks within the body of the course. I suggest following these steps in lieu of using the RIGHT ARROW key, as you shared.

      Next, after Tabbing focus to the Storyline Block, I found it helpful to click the UP ARROW key once, before interacting with the Storyline content. This UP ARROW command re-aligned the Storyline Block within the webpage, helping NVDA to focus more precisely. After I completed the Storyline interaction, I used the DOWN ARROW key to switch focus to the Timeline Block. Upon this transition, NVDA announced each Timeline title item correctly.

      If you're still having trouble, seeing a screen recording of the behavior, as well as a link to the Rise course you've been working with, would be helpful. Feel free to share those items here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

  • StevenBenassithis worked thank you, but now I am having the issue with a storyline block and images. Sorry.  In this module the What is unconscious bias section.  I made the images decorative, but NVDA is still reading the "zoom image" but it shouldn't see the image at all, I would have thought. 

    In this same section, I have a myth vs fact storyline block, and it is like another case you are helping me with it is reading the first question while i am on the second question and I am sure I set all the focus order and stuff up correctly.  It is skipping over the pop up message that appears after they answer the question as well. But I think I fixed that in Q1 and Q2, but still struggling with it all.


    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi TeresaVanderpos!

      You're welcome. Glad to hear the steps in my last reply were helpful!

      Thanks for sharing your files. NVDA announcing the 'zoom image' is expected behavior for a screen reader, if the 'click to zoom' image setting has been enabled. Since the learner would interact with the expansion button on the image, it becomes an element that the screen reader is now focusing on. If expanding the image for 'Sandra's bias' is not necessary, I suggest disabling that setting.

      While troubleshooting the second part of your post, I noticed you've designed the Myth/Fact question slides from scratch, in lieu of using a built-in True/False question slide. I was also able to replicate the behavior you described, where questions are being dictated out of order by NVDA. I would like our support engineers to have a closer look into this, so I've opened a support case on your behalf.

      You're in great hands working with them, and they should be connecting with you via e-mail shortly!