Forum Discussion

Tim_'s avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Organising courses into folders on the dashboard

I am not in a team. I want to better organise my courses.

I now have a 'my view' folder with some sub folders, and a 'personal' folder with the same set of sub folders as in 'my view'.

I want to reorganise my courses. I can create new folders under 'My View', but I can't move courses into those folders. I can move a course to a folder, but only to folders listed under 'Personal'. Why can I make a folder in 'My View' if I can't then use it?

I want to delete all the folders, not the content, from the 'My Views' list.

Clicking on 'My View' shows me all the courses I've ever made.

Clicking on 'Personal' shows the courses I haven't added to a folder.

So 'My Views' is really a waste of time. It should be called 'Show all courses' and not have unusable sub-folders.

Deleting a folder from 'My Views' prompts with:

Deleting this folder will delete it, and any My View items within it.
Don't worry - this will not delete the actual folders or items.

Deleting the folder will delete it and its items, but not the actual folder or its items. It does but it doesn't. What is the difference between an item and a My View item, a folder and an actual folder? Who wrote this?

I find both the new behaviours and wording to be confusing.

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    I also work independently and confused by the admin ui changes. I respect Tim a great deal, and I'm here for the Staff responses.

  • Hey Tim! Totally get where you’re coming from -- the new dashboard is a big change. This being a beta, we’re pivoting quickly to make changes that hopefully make using the dashboard easier, whether you're on a team or an individual subscription.
    • All Content has just that, all your content, just like before
    • My View is a spot where you can bookmark personal (and team) files
    • Private is where your organized files live
    While a large driver for this feature is enhancing collaboration and streamlining organization for multi-member teams, we're hoping that you'll still find value in the updates. Your Private folder allows you to create sub-folders for better organization. You'll also quickly be able to identify content that has been organized into folders, or not! In My View, you can bookmark your most relevant content so you can find it at a glance. Add and remove courses from My View to keep it up to date with your needs.
    Please use the beta feedback link at the top of your dashboard! We’re actively reviewing feedback and using it to make this feature better. We appreciate your passion for Rise 360 and sticking with us through the bumpy bits.
    Phil, let me know if you need more butter for your popcorn. ;)
  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Perhaps you can post a screenshot of where the beta feedback link is at the top of the dashboard, because I do not see it.

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Aah, I think I see the problem. It's not there.

    • Tim, I apologize! You're right that individual subscriptions are not getting the feedback link at the top of your Rise 360 dashboard. 

      I see your feedback in this post, and we'll log it from there. We're all ears in the discussion forums (even if we can't reply immediately), and we also take your requests here. Thanks for surfacing this!