Passing scores not updating in Canvas after getting a failing grade the first time?
Some of our students are failing the summative quiz at the end of the course and then retaking the quiz -- but the failing score stays in Canvas even though they passed the second time around.
We are using 80% as our passing grade, SCORM 2004 4th edition.
Another strange thing that we've been experiencing along with this is that some students will get a reported grade of 66.66% or 77.77% in Canvas but it's not possible because our quizzes are only 10 questions long, each worth 10 points (although it's pulling questions from several banks of questions.) Not sure if this is related or a separate issue but thought I'd throw that out there.
Is anyone else is having these issues in Canvas? Not sure if it's the SCORM package creating these issues or if it's Canvas. Thank you!