Forum Discussion

BettyJaney's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Pausing text-to-speech when new window/slide is open

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way to stop the text-to-speech narration from continuing when a new window/slide is open?  I currently have a scene with one layer, where the user is asked to click on a variable to learn more.  This opens up a new window, however when i close the window the audio is still going on the base layer.  Is there a way to pause it until enabled by the user?  I tried creating a condition, but I can't seem to find the 'play' option under the list of variables for the user to click. 


  • BettyJaney's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Ginger,

    I haven't gotten an answer to my question yet.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions!



  • Hi Betty, I'm sorry that that didn't work for you. Could you share your Storyline file with us so we can take a look? You can either share it in this thread or open a support case if it contains confidential information.