Forum Discussion

higherl's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Play layer audio after all buttons are visited


I have base layer audio and I have 10 buttons (10 layers) with audio. There's no issue there.

I have another layer with just audio. I want the audio on that layer to play after all 10 buttons are visited. That also means after the audio ends on the 10th button (they can click the buttons in any order). How do I do that?
Attached is my file.

    1. You need to track what's been visited. 
    2. The layers can be visited in any order.
    3. You don't want final audio to play until the all ten have been visited and the 10th audio is complete.

    I'd use a T/F variable to track each layer.

    • Example: Layer1Visited = false (default)
    • Trigger: adjust variable = true when timeline of the layer is complete (or audio is complete)
    • You need this trigger for each layer with audio.

    Since you don't know which layer is the last layer, you need a trigger to show final audio layer only when the media is complete and all of the other variables values are true.

    • Trigger order is important because you want all of the variables to = true before you do anything else.
    • adjust Layer#Visited = true when timeline ends
    • Show layer FinalAudio when timeline ends on this layer on the condition that all of the layer values are true