Forum Discussion

KandiceKidd-730's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Poll-Show results in course?


Can anyone recommend a poll that will show the results of the poll in the course? I tried it with but it shows the results in another browser so it takes you out of the course. 

Thank you!

  • BWoods's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Kandice. A poll in a course can be a fantastic way to draw learners in and have them share ideas! In Rise 360 you can use a third-party survey tool (like Google Forms or Survey Monkey) and embed it into your course using a Multimedia Embed block.

    Try using this iFrame code format for easy embedding!

    <iframe src="URL HERE"></iframe>

  • Even if the poll tool you choose to use shows results in a new window, you can simply add an additional embed block to your rise course for the results.  I prototyped this for a user sometime back and you can see it here.  Note that their poll is no longer live so you won't actually be able to change the results but you can still see how the input poll and results can be handled.

    • KandiceKidd-730's avatar
      Community Member


      This was really great! What tool did you use? 

      Thank you so much,


      • OwenHolt's avatar
        Super Hero

        This was someone else's poll. I'm not sure which tool they used.

      • OwenHolt's avatar
        Super Hero

        Use an online poll service like poll everywhere, survey monkey, or Typeform.  As long as the service let's you publish both a form AND a results page.
        In one Rise block, EMBED your form and in another Rise Block, EMBED the results. It is best if these are in 2 different "chapters" otherwise the results page might load into the browser prior to the user submitting their form. 

  • Survey Monkey can be embedded in Rise courses. Upon submission, the screen displays the results.