Forum Discussion

JenniferMerr605's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Polling tool for social elearning

Hello! I love Articulate products and am trying to build an eLearning that contains 6 surveys/polls. The goal is to incorporate social learning into the eLearning so that participants don't miss out on that type of learning. Learners will answer a question then click to reveal how their peers responded. Ideally, we would have live results for them to view in a graph, WordCloud, etc. I created SL 360 blocks for my Rise course and used Web Objects to point learners to survey results.

We are using MS Forms as the poll collector and are not happy with the results. It only shows the last 3 responses and cuts off the words on lengthy responses. 

We looked into using Qualtrics, but uncertain about licensing to view the results. They do have an option for live polls, but Public Results Dashboards links can only be enabled for State & Local Governments and Academic research products. We are a corporation. 

Has anyone had any luck with a polling/survey tool that produces live results?

2 Replies

  • Sorry I can't offer any advice here Jennifer but I'm glad you posted because I am wondering the same thing! I would love to incorporate social learning but have considered it not possible. Did you have any luck in finding a better solution than ms forms? 

  • me too! I wish Articulate had a tool for this. Or maybe they do, and I don't know about it.