Forum Discussion
Possibility to remove navigation arrows
Hi, in Rise Labeled Graphic is there a way to turn off the navigation arrows in the markers boxes?
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Anna,
In Rise there isn't a way to turn off the navigation arrows in the Labeled Graphic marker boxes.
- AnnaJohansson-bCommunity Member
Okay, thanks. It would however be great if you could do that. It's a bit confusing that you have the option to jump to the next marker box if they're not connected. Something to develop perhaps?
- EnidCrystalCommunity Member
I have the same request from a client. They want it to work more like a normal hotspot interaction - click once to open, click again to close. Can this feature be added? (will also make a feature request)
- JaclynIsen-7bf6Community Member
This request came up for me as well. Option to remove forward and back arrows in labelled graphic would be very helpful.
- KTEPublicationsCommunity Member
Getting this same request from our learners as well
- AshleyNeal-2f5fCommunity Member
I also have this request. It would be very helpful.
- IshitaDutta-399Community Member
Same here, got some feedback to remove the left right arrows (,< >) from the marker text boxes.
- JennaDSouza-15fCommunity Member
Hi! Same request - it can be confusing for learners, especially when they complete all the markers. It makes them think they need to restart again.
- MarkDempsey-cdfCommunity Member
Same request again pls
- PhilFossCommunity Member
You can add a Rise Theme Component to hide the marker arrows, the CSS looks like:
.bubble--active .bubble__controls { display: none; }
- AshleyNeal-2f5fCommunity Member
Thanks for that info Phil! I'm not sure exactly how to add a Rise Theme Component. Might you be able to showcase that process?
- PhilFossCommunity Member
Sure Ashley and Sheri I'll plan on using this specific example in a start-to-finish theme component install. This is a great example as theme components are best for 'nice to have' items like this, instead of a major change to functionality. But there are a couple important considerations that I'll cover, I'll plan to post the howto in this thread.