Forum Discussion
Presenter changing font during publish
Hi Rebecca,
Might be a shot in the dark, but have you checked your system's DPI settings?
Articulate Support - Articulate Presenter '09 DPI support
Also, have you tried using a different font, other than Courier? Does the same thing happen after you publish?
It may also help to take a look at the following article:
Articulate Support - OpenType(OTF) fonts are missing or incorrect when previewing or publishing
If the problem continues, we'd be happy to take a look at the project files and see what's going on. Please create an Articulate Presenter package by following the steps in the following article:
Send to Articulate Presenter Package
Attach the .ZIP file to the second page of the following form:
Please be sure to include a description of your issue and also include the URL for this thread in the case. Also, if possible, please share the case number with me, so I can follow up with you in this thread. You're welcome to share the case number in this thread, or send it to me in a private message.
Thanks Rebecca!