Forum Discussion

MonikaDeschodt's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Problem with Preview and course duplication

Suddenly could not Preview anything - just hanging. Also found an issue with Course duplication.  

Can this be licence related?

Any ideas for a solution?


  • Hi Monika!

    Sorry to hear that you are unable to preview and duplicate your course. Here are some things to try:

    1. Please make sure that your browser is updated. Once updated, restart your browser and try to preview and duplicate a course again.
    2. Try other supported browsers and check if you are still getting the issue. This will check if the issue is browser-specific.
    3. Please access Rise in Incognito or InPrivate window. Pressing Ctrl + Shift + n for Windows, or Press ⌘ + Shift + n for Mac switches you to Incognito mode and disables all browser plugins. Sometimes plugins cause odd behavior, Do you still get the same issue when in Incognito?
    4. If the above steps do not work, kindly try clearing your cache to see if it will resolve the issue. 
    Let me know if these steps helped!
  • Hi - I have checked that my cache is clear and I have closed and restarted Chrome (made sure it is the latest version.). It seems that it is working.  Thank you so much.

    I'll shout if I need assistance again.