Forum Discussion

CleonMcClure-12's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Publishing RISE to PDF

Greetings Colleagues,


I hope you and yours are safe and well!

The initial published PDF from my RISE module requires significant editing,  fundamental page breaks not in the right place, alignment of images, interactive boxes placed in error.   The RISE PDF is a valuable tool for us, the PDFprovides end-user a workbook/guide of the course materials.


I'm looking for design tips or other options to spend less time revising the PDF.


Thanks in advance for your guidance




Be Safe

  • JenniferBoton's avatar
    Community Member

    We are also in a regulated industry and need the PDFs for our MLR process.  They take a lot of time to edit or make notes.  Wanted to add to this thread to see future comments

  • this was helpful information and discussion.  My Rise course was a flashcard glossary of terms and definitions - which put a frame around each card.  Unfortunately when published in Rise, the page breaks were in the middle of flashcards and couldn't be edited in the pdf.  Even converting to word doc did not help - because it separated the frames around the cards as two separate objects divided by page break.  :-( 

  • StanDormer's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Karl,

    Yes, I understand, we occasionally work for regulated bodies too, and here we just strip out unwanted paragraph, section and page breaks with Kutools, and drop quizzes and interactions.

    We still meet compliance requirements and the final materials don't look fancy, but it satisfies the requirements, and it's still a bit faster than the old hand-editing we used to do.

    We've worked for some organisations that have wall-to-wall archives of materials stored for compliance and regulatory reasons. One day, I'm going to find out if anyone ever looks at them!

    All the best, Stan.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Stan, thanks for those useful suggestions. 

    I work in a regulated industry and we need to exactly reproduce the contents of the Rise course in the PDF. That's our biggest problem as we cannot summarize. In order to save time, we have now decided to simply delete pages that contain interactions as they have little value on paper. We unfortunately don't have the time to make the PDF's look nice and pretty.

    A big course for me is around 700 pages in a PDF.

  • StanDormer's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Karl and Cleon,

    We also create a PDF export for each of our online courses.

    We then use Abbyy a software tool to convert exported PDFs to MS Word documents. This works better than importing PDFs directly into Word as it has extra functionality that makes for a more compact Word document.

    Once in MS Word, we used to use Find and Replace, using the Special Characters options to strip out blank paragraphs and unwanted carriage throws.

    But, better than that, we've found a more powerful option and now use an Add-in for MS Word called 'Kutools', this strips out framed text and all manner of weirdness created during the export of a PDF from Rise.

    On average we can knock the stuffing out of a biggish RISE module (the equivalent of two-three hours study) that initially generates a 150 page Word document, and shrink that to around 15 pages of keynotes in about two hours of our time. Once done, we re-PDF it for upload to our LMS for our students.

    When we change the module we find it relatively easy to either repeat the process or just patch the WORD document with the changes.

    This is a lot better for us than the way we used to work, fumbling through the PDF with a PDF editor.

    And, as a footnote, the new Editor Assistant that comes packaged with the latest version of Word is significantly better than the free version of tools like Grammarly.





  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Cleon, we create a PDF for each of our online courses. Every time a course changes we need to republish the PDF. So I create and edit PDF's a lot.

    So I completely share your frustrations with the Rise PDF output.

    To date I have not found that doing things differently in Rise has any meaningful impact on preventing issues in the PDF output.

    Manually editing PDF's is a also a huge problem as pretty much each sentence is it's own text box. So making edits on one page does not cause content on other pages to flow. Bullets in bullet lists are not part of the text,  but a separate object, etc. It's all rather painful.

    Converting PDF's to Word solves some problems such as content flowing from page to page, but it still requires a lot of manual editing.