Forum Discussion

AndersIngemann's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Question: States 'flickr' from initial states to desired state when 'timeline starts on slide' instead of showing desired state emidiatly

Hello everyone.

I'm having some trouble with the custom states in my current project, which I havent experienced before.
I have a room-scenario with a character with different facial expressions and some elements with different states (open/closed window, cleaned or messy table, tv turned on/off).

When the user chooses to close the window, the user is sent to a slide with an animation, and when the user returns to the 'main' slide the window is supposed to change state to 'closed', from its initial/normal state. It does so, but starts on its initial state and flickrs for a second before changeing to the desired state. This happens for all states of the elements in this scene, but not in other scenes in the project.
I have tried to explore everything time-line, state and trigger-related within my knowledge, and I have also tried to change the state-prompt to start on objects instead of 'this slide', but with no luck.

Can anyone help me out?

I have attached a file with the affected part/scene of the project, but couldnt narrow it all the way down due to the numbering of the slides being scrambled around. I have removed all the text from dialog-boxes and made the interactions accesible in english. Please let me know, if I need to translate any states, triggers og variables from danish to english.

- Anders

  • SandeepGadam's avatar
    Community Member

    To solve the flickering problem with the states, I first copied the object from the existing hover state and deleted the hover state. Then, I created a new hover state and put the object that I had copied from the earlier hover state into this new state. This worked perfectly for me and didn't cause any flickering.

    Additionally, I discovered that when I clicked on the green button that shows on the feedback layer within some slides, there was no navigation to the subsequent slides.

    You can follow the procedures above on each slide if the only problem with your SL file is states flickering.

    In addition, if there is anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.

    • AndersIngemann's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello Sandeep - thanks for your help ! :)
      Could you please elaborate on what you mean with the hover-state? There are no hover-states on the objects Im having issues with.
      I have tried to make a new 'closed' state for the window and I have made a new initial state for it as well, but the flickr still occurs.

      • SandeepGadam's avatar
        Community Member

        When I tested your file the first issue I came across is with the green arrow on the first slide. When I hovered upon that image, I could replicate the flickering issue at my end. As you mentioned flicker and as soon as I spotted a similar issue I got stuck there and haven't moved any further with your file or the issue that you specified here.

        Please accept my sincere apologies and let me go through once again and I might hopefully find a way to fix this.