End of timeline trigger issue
Hi all, very specific issue today. I have some accessibility variables at the start of my course to allow verbal mode, written mode (with grey black caption box) and written mode (with blue black caption box). The caption box starts hidden, if written is true show as greyblack, if written is true and blue is true show as blueblack, then jump to the end of the timeline so the voiceover doesn't play. It works fine apart from 1 layer. None of the animations play (correctly) the blue caption box shows (correctly) but the audio still plays.
Triggers on working layer
Triggers on NOT working layer
Had a friend look at it, we deleted the triggers, saved as a new file and re-created them but had the same problem. What makes it worse is. If written is set to true and greyblack is true (blueblack is false) the timeline correctly goes to the end.
Stuck on this one, any help would be appreciated.